Thursday, January 29, 2009

Digging Out

Streets are looking much better today, but still watch out for slippery spots.

As of 12:30 p.m., there were 1,427 people still out of power in Hamilton County. Most are small groups of homes or single locations, but apparently there were some larger areas in Green Township who were out this morning, and Duke was working to get to those areas as soon as possible. They are also prioritizing any homes that have more vulnerable residents.

When I spoke with them this morning, Duke officials said they anticipate getting everyone in the region back on by the end of Saturday, and that includes the more rural counties that are harder to reach. Which means they are confident that most Hamilton County homes will be back up before then.

We appreciate citizens' patience with yesterday's Level 3 status. That decision made a real difference in allowing our public safety and public service officials to safely do the job of cleaning up. And it no doubt headed off countless accidents and potential injuries.

As in all situations like this, we will of course analyze ways that all involved could have done better.

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