Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Connecting Citizens to Jobs Created: A New Policy

The challenging economic and budget times continue, unfortunately. Outside of reducing expenses to reflect revenues, the only way we're going to get out of this is renewed economic activity. More jobs, more sales, more economic growth, more tourism, more businesses, etc.--and more revenue. We need an upward spiral to replace what has been a painful downward spiral.

While the media focuses on our and other budget woes, we are simultaneously pushing hard to stimulate economic growth.

And today, we took a concrete step to ensure that County residents get connected to as many job opportunities as possible, and specifically to those jobs that are created by our economic development efforts.

Going forward, jobs created by the County, City and other efforts will all be posted at our Superjobs Center. Entities that partner with or receive public dollars in a way that helps them create jobs will be required to make those job opportunities accessible to citizens of the community.

The Super Jobs Center has a strong track record of providing job training and other services to connect citizens to jobs throughout our community. Children's Hospital, GE and many others use it already for their hiring and skills testing, with good results. And they are achieving the best results in the state.

So when citizens in the future hear about MSD rehabilitation projects, stimulus-funded construction projects, community development projects, and others, they will also know where to find the jobs that are generated from all this work.

For the resolution that passed, go here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David, thanks for your efforts of havine one central place for posting. I think that will be beneficial.

I have been active with SuperJobs center for over one year. They are helpful, but unfortunately, the types of jobs that I have seen posted are entry level. It's very challenging for those of us who are at the mid/higher level point of our career. "over qualified and over educated" are statements I hear too frequently.

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