Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A New Era: Paperless Meetings

Two weeks ago, I casually mentioned to our County clerk, Jackie Panioto, that is sure seemed like our meetings consumed a lot of paper. It was sort of the beginning and end of the conversation--or so I thought.

In only two weeks, she implemented a paperless meeting process that will save a lot of money (we estimate as much as $50,000), and a heck of a lot of trees. Today was our first trial run, and it worked without a hitch.

The Enquirer descibed this in their blog today (including a photo showing a fraction of just how much paper we're talking about):

Thanks, Jackie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Send as an attachment, stop the "receipt" for email verification, provide a table of contents with page numbers so it's easier to get to what you want to read.

It is absolutely great.

Will save on public records requests also.

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