Monday, July 21, 2008

Good News on Court Security

Thanks to Clerk of Courts Greg Hartman and the other County officials who, despite the difficult budget, are digging deep into available funds to pay for important services like court security. I commend them for their leadership and continued cooperation:

Today's Enquirer also provided a good analysis of our budget situation:


Anonymous said...

I don't think this is a good thing. We are enabling Leis. He needs to be forced to make appropriate cuts and other departments shouldn't be bearing his portion of the burden. All for one, and one for all - we're in this together or not. He must produce his share of the 6%.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand where the Sheriff took a cut...he was given $600,000 more when everyone but JFS took a cut and he now gets at least another $100,000 ..... It appears that HE is the only one who has more money in his buget now than when the budget was approved in December 2008...something is wrong when other employees may lose their jobs and the Sheriff gets more money....also I remember reading where he got $250,000 for ankle bracelets...that almost $1 million dollars...

Jeff Capell said...

I appreciate Greg Hartman and others doing the job that Sheriff Leis is incapable of doing. Everyone had to deal with their 6% cut. Some are just being more professional than others.

Anonymous said...

Greg Hartmann organized the whole Leis bailout because he was too chicken to call Leis out on the dangers he was posing to the public by not cutting non-essential, unmandated portions of his budget. This isn't leadership, it's cowardice, or politiking, or pandering in regards to someone pulling his strings - nothing to be admired here. How is he going to deal with Leis if he becomes a commissioner? Placating? At everyone else's detriment.

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